I cleaned off the camera again!

It actually has WIP photos, and more exciting, photos of my mail today! I had a notice for a package earlier this week, so stopped to get it today. Surprise – there were 2! Both were giveaways from wonderful blogs I enjoy. What a great day!
Angela from Pretty Little Things in a Box sent a package of postcards, washi tape and an adorable stamp all the way from Singapore! And Denise from the Wonder of Yarrow House sent me a canvas, a set of acrylic artist paints and a pack of brushes. Can you believe it? A whole artist starter set. Plus, she added to my refrigerator magnet collection! I always pick up a magnet from places I visit, and we are going to So Carolina in a MONTH. She sent magnet from there, so I already have my souvenir.

These ladies have sent me great tools to have lots of creative fun, and I can’t wait to start messing around!


mail! part 2

mail! part 3

mail! part 4

Sock update photo – one sock complete, the other cast on. I do love these FUNdamental socks, but I have to stop making them. How many pairs do I need? I promise, my next pair will be different.
But I really love them.

sws#5 halfway!

Then there is more jewelry knitting – this time it is Laura Nelkin’s Ribband. I can’t get the colors right – the silk is a very slight off white, the beads are pale pink cut glass and blush seed beads. It is pretty and if it is sunny Sunday (lol) I’ll take an outdoor photo.

below are flash and flashless photos. It is so sparkly, but you can’t tell. 😦
ribband flash

ribband in progress

ribband no flash

And it wouldn’t be my camera if it didn’t have a cat photo or two. This week, it was Tigger who was cute. Here’s a picture of what happens when I pull a fleece blanket on my lap in preparation for knitting. Every night.

relaxed Tigger

And this is what happens every evening when A takes off her shoes. Tigger LOVES stinky feet, can you imagine? She is so ecstatic she falls over and rubs against them. In this immodest and slightly blurry shot, you can see that her incision is all healed up. Her fur is just at the fuzzy stage of regrowth. She is glad it will soon get warmer, she definitely feels the chill.

Tigger and the stinky foot

That’s all I shot this week!

Looking forward to Saturday – second week of beading class, this time my niece B will join me as we learn (I hope) to make earrings.

Love love love weekends…. 🙂

12 thoughts on “I cleaned off the camera again!”

  1. How much fun are you going to have with your goodies 😀 Little L & Old Dog send their regards to Tigger how good of her to show us her tummy is healing nicely, have a brilliant weekend 🙂

  2. Yay for awesome goodies!!
    Those socks are great. I say you can never have too many socks. 🙂 Glad tiger is healing up nicely.
    Have fun in SC. I am sure it will be warm by then 🙂

    1. Thanks! I agree about the socks, and I have the pattern memorized, which is why I just keep making them. 🙂 I am counting on it being warm by then!

    1. Thanks! Tigger IS a sweetheart, except when she isn’t. 🙂 Kind of like the girl with the curl… Tigger is loving and playful, but she terrorizes Allie. Kids!

  3. What is it about pictures of cat tummies? They always make me smile. Sounds like you have your weekend all accounted for, with old crafts and new–have fun!

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