You can cook a frozen turkey

Or: I still learn something new every day.

Yesterday went as planned, we had a delicious meal, everyone seemed happy to be there and together.

I planned to cook two turkeys and I did. The first one went like clockwork, in the oven at 4:30 am, out a little after 8.

The second one was still frozen solid! Both had been in the fridge since Friday. I guess I should have checked them the night before.

A quick check of the internet said it was OK to cook, just would take a lot longer, which it did. All day. Didn’t come out until after everyone had left!

So, we have leftovers!

But truthfully, it was better than the first, so tender it almost fell off the bones. Maybe next year I will get one large turkey instead of 2 small ones, and cook it from frozen… but maybe not, too.

And the first turkey provided plenty for the meal and some leftovers to send home with the family, too. Just not as much going out the door as we had hoped.

Happy Thanksgiving!

17 thoughts on “You can cook a frozen turkey”

  1. I’m glad everything worked out with your turkeys:) A friend emailed me yesterday that her turkey was still partially frozen after being in the refrigerator for a week. Hers ended up fine too. I ended up buying a fresh one at the last minute but it too had ice inside.

  2. So how does one cook a frozen turkey with the neck, gizzard, and all that other grossness still inside?
    We celebrated the big meal last Sunday as that’s with our Colorado family was here. I shoved the 15 pound bird in the fridge on Wednesday and it still had some ice crystals in the center when I got it ready for the oven Sunday morning but it was all good. The bigger the turkey the longer it takes to thaw. I usually have to thaw it in the laundry tub but for once the refrigerator method worked for me.

    1. I just left it all in. Nothing I could do at that point. I couldn’t believe that a week later it was still solid. I guess the bottom of our fridge is 33 degrees, because nothing freezes down there.


    1. Lol! Remember that includes cooking the neck and gizzards with it. I think they just flavor the gravy, though. That’s my story and I am sticking to it. Be warned, frozen turkeys take a LOT more time… but google it and check it out.

  4. There are so many ‘advices’ on things out there, it’s hard to know, for sure, but – If no food poisoning, I always wrack it up as a ‘win’ and now know how to do better – – :). I often put frozen stuff in crockpot, and turn on high for an hour or so, (dependent upon weight of meat) and then turn to low and go off to other things – – haven’t killed myself or anyone else yet — LEFTOVERS! YUM! Sometimes, the pleasure of warming up to eat, instead of cooking AND the more depth of flavor from stuff as it ages, just beats the fresh version – – :). Until you’ve run out of ‘has turkey in it” recipes – – LOL

      1. Turkey enchiladas with white sauce is a treat – and if you have freezer space, turkey for quick sandwich makings in January/February when busy day and the holidays but a memory, are rather my ‘fave ways’ to use up – oh, and stock, for future soups that are quick to throw together – when I don’t feel like cooking – – LOL

  5. I love turkey leftovers and always cook the carcass down and make soup. This year, my SIL cooked the turkey and stuffed it with dressing, so that was not usable for soup. I bought a frozen turkey for ourselves and I’ll cook it and then make turkey soup anyway! It’s been in the refrigerator thawing for about a week, but if it’s still icey, I’ll use your method. Glad you had a great day.

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