This was a simply lovely weekend

Very busy, of course, but beautiful outdoors.

Friday I had to go to Cherryfield to take some photos for work of our quarterly food distribution. That was fun, I got some great shots of people loading industrial sized boxes of food into trucks.  Really, it was more fun than it sounds.  They are all so organized, it was like watching a ballet or something. These guys work hard.  Most of them are volunteers at their local food pantries, and this food makes a huge difference ion the lives of the folks they serve.

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Once I finished that assignment, I headed north, because if there is one crazy thing about Cherryfield, it is that it is the blueberry capital of the world.  Really. (for you info junkies – it is named Cherryfield not for the fruit but for the people with that last name who settled it back in 1700 whatever.)

And there is one thing about wild blueberry bushes in the fall and winter – they are GORGEOUS!  Not a blue thing in sight.  So I thought I would share with you some of the photos I got – enjoy! Most of these are actually of barrens in Deblois, just north of Cherryfield, but there are acres of them in Cherryfield as well. In fact, all over Washington County you will see sites like this.  How lucky can we get to live in such a place?

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The bushes turn this luscious scarlet color, and they will stay that way through winter (which is also lovely, when they are coated with frost and ice and sparkle in the sun)

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These little blue buildings are housing for the migrant workers who rake the berries each summer.  Next time you enjoy a blueberry anything , think of them up here living in these hot buildings with no running water. Not great living conditions.

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Nothing else up here on the barrens – which might be why blueberry fields are called barrens.

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Just nothing like it on a bright fall day.

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