Frosted Daybreak

The perfect name for this fiber, it has all the colors of a winter sunrise. This is from Three Waters Farm, the fiber is merino, tussah silk, and bamboo blend.

I wasn’t going to buy it, I have enough to spin this year. And a goal to spin more than I acquire, thereby reducing stash. But As I saw the finished skeins being posted on Ravelry, I knew I wanted to spin this fiber, and I knew just how I wanted to spin it.

I wanted to spin a gradient. I wanted to spin a dk weight; I want to be able to use this yarn with some dk weight I got at the Whorls and Purls destash gathering to knit

Alaska . I wanted to do a two ply for a few reasons, mainly because I wanted to control the color runs and because I haven’t mastered chain ply yet.

So how did I do?

All split up by color.

Going on the bobbin, one color at a time.

Soaking after plying:

And completed:

It’s a trifle lighter weight than I intended, but I think it will work just fine.

24 thoughts on “Frosted Daybreak”

  1. How stunning is that? Nice eye! Great use of that fiber and colorway. I do love that bamboo shine.

  2. That’s a beautiful skein of yarn. I just may have to look into obtaining some for myself, not that I am anywhere near the talent needed to spin something that beautiful.

    1. Thank you!!! And I bet you are closer than you think. Three Waters Farm is doing skill builders each month, you can find the threads in the Ravelry group, very helpful articles and videos.

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