19 thoughts on “Powers Out”

  1. A few years ago we purchased a good size gas generator so we could keep the fridge and freezer going when our power would go out. It has been a life saver, good investment. Hope itis back on soon.

  2. Oh,no! That’s the worst. We were lucky as the power snapped off for about 30 seconds and came back on just like in the last storm. Hope your power is restored quickly.

    1. We were that lucky last time, didn’t even blink. This storm is just a little worse… 2 feet if heavy wet snow instead of 18 inches. Grrr

  3. I hate that! Wish A would let you get a generator – ours has saved us SO many times. Of course, our outages are usually in the summer, so no electricity = no A/C. ‘nough said. I hope you get it back quickly!

  4. Ha ha! I’m playing catch up. One minute you had a daisy to make, then it was there, then the power went off and now it’s back on. Felt more like two minutes rather that eight hours to me 😉 Please for you it’s back on 🙂

  5. Glad the power came back on. If that had happened here we’d be out for at least a week. Our power company just can’t get it together and the politicians won’t take away its franchise over the area.

  6. Oh boy. IM wishing you intense sunshine, an unseasonal burst of warmth and whatever cures the cabin fever that could be ailing you. You have gotten it bad lately! I should stop complaining about the cold here. At least we are almost snowless. I shall begin appreciating the weather here NOW!!! Hugs to you

    1. lol not sure if it is cabin fever or the opposite. I just don’t; want to go outside or anywhere. I want to stay home undisturbed for a while. We are getting warm weather today, but then colder than average, followed by another storm on Tuesday or Wednesday, To think last week I was looking at bare ground, wondering when I would see little green leaves poking out of the garden. I still wonder, but now it’s about when I will see the garden!

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