Just a note

To say hello and catch up.  I did have such a  nice Thanksgiving break and was quite lazy on Friday and Sunday.

Got lots of knitting and spinning done, and some photographs of things I have finished recently.  I really had to do that because I wanted to get some of them listed for sale on the Etsy shop.

I took these hats to work and some sold, but some have made it over to the shop.

So slowly I am restocking the shop, and of course, as always my timing could be way off.  Need to get the ornaments on there so that they have time to sell this season!

I did finish spinning my October Challenge yarn, and will share it with you when I can, again, in January.  It turned out to be more of a challenge than I thought, and did not come out as I expected it to, but it came out as yarn and I will use it, so that is good!  All I can show you is how it started.  Which is pretty!


For knitting, I worked out the pattern on some custom ornaments that a friend ordered, and got started on knitting them.  She ordered two, and I am halfway through the second one.  She also ordered a hat, and I will pick up the yarn for that this weekend, and see if I can’t knock that out.

It is also time to think about making the Christmas cards!  Especially as some are going overseas.  I have a vague idea what they will be, but need to settle into that project. I was hoping to do some of that this past week, but it just didn’t happen.


A is really busy with her new venture.  She has a deadline to hit, and it is turning out to be a longer process than she originally thought, so she is working hard each and every day.  She works in the living room on Sundays so that we can spend time together, but it isn’t; the same as being able to do things together.  Still she is getting paid by the piece, so the harder and faster she goes, the more she earns.  And this project will be done in a month or so.  Then I am sure she will find another one to launch into.  At least, I hope so, since she is now self employed.  But I hope that she can figure out a schedule and pricing that let her have a day off each week!


That’s about it from here –  hope you are having a good week!

15 thoughts on “Just a note”

  1. Thanks for the reminder on Christmas cards. I have been lax the last couple of years and really should start on them so everyone gets a personal note.
    I’m sure your Etsy store will do well.

    1. you are welcome! I used to be so good, starting making them in September, but not the last few years.

      I expect my Etsy store will continue to be a slow mover – a couple of items a year is what my history has been. I add things periodically, but should do more baby and holiday things. I’ll get it right someday. Meanwhile it is pretty low cost and I do sell enough to make it fun.

  2. WOW, you have been a busy beaver and all so lovely! Can’t wait to see that spin and continuing to pull for A’s new venture. You know I totally get the whole self-employed thing. I hope she gets some downtime soon.

    1. Thank you! I keep teasing you about the spin, but you have seen more of it than anyone. 🙂

      Yes, I know that you get the whole self employed thing. I hope she won’t always have such big projects with short deadlines, but at least she has work, right?

    1. I did that last year, mini mittens. They are cute, but I finally decided I would just knit pairs of them, tie them together and use them as ornaments. Lot less knitting!

  3. Glad to hear the Etsy store is working out. You make such lovely things. Can’t wait to see the spinning. Targhee, bamboo and silk sound like quite a challenge to spin together. Did you find it had less elasticity when spinning up than an all wool roving?

    1. I did notice less elasticity, but I am still a novice spinner, really, so I am not sure if it is me or the fiber. Also, I did a new to me spin, and I was definitely learning! But it is incredibly soft, and has a nice gleam to it.

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