Another weekend!

And only a few more weekends before I leave on my trip.  Time to start training A, lol.  I warned her she will be in charge of feeding the birds (daily for the sunflower seeds, every few days for the hummingbird feeder) and she didn’t seem impressed. Wait until I show her how to operate the pool filter.  ROTFL

But in the meantime – last night I was very busy, but it seems like there is nothing to show for it!  Well, not really.  I baked a cake for our summer intern who’s last day is today, I blocked the shawl (it looks AMAZING, can’t wait until it is dry and you can see it), I got in the pool and cleaned out all the bits and pieces – and, very sadly, the first leaves.  Oh, summer, how can you go so soon?  It has been so dry that I had to run the hose in the skimmer to keep the water level up enough for the filter.  It is supposed to rain this weekend – YEAH! – but I will run the hose again to try to get the water level up a little bit more. It is just BONE dry in the yard, I am surprised all the water hasn’t evaporated. I guess because while it hasn’t rained, it has been humid.

Then I sat down and worked on fixing a sweater mom made years ago, and that she gifted to me, but that she wants back.  No, I didn’t ruin it while I had it, but I did figure out why neither of us really wore it. The bind off was too tight, and so it didn’t ride well on the hips.  I took out the bind off and one row of the ribbing, and began redoing the bind off with a looser, more stretchy method. Which I will teach to Mom when I see her. I think she will like the sweater a lot more now.

Then it was bed time! yikes!

This morning I had to ice the cake before I go but thought I would start a quick post to you all.

Here’s my weekend plan this week.  So very exciting, as always.

A is picked up Subway sandwiches for dinner, so no cooking.  And it  started raining this afternoon, so no pool.  I want to get out in the yard and sow some pink poppy seeds before the rain really hits – easiest way to “keep moist” is for Ma Nature to do that for me. I didn’t get to it tonight, but hope to in the morning. I did settle down to some fiber work.  The shawl was dry so I wove in the ends, maybe tomorrow I will get a photo or two for you.  And I finished the sweater for mom, and then figured out where I am with the green and black striped sweater, so I can keep going on that, and get THAT finished.

Saturday we go to A’s sister L in the morning for a birthday celebration – we will bring pastries, sister S will bring donuts, it should be a sweet time!  I will head from there straight to Whorls and Purls, so I will have a few knitting projects with me.  🙂  I have a few necklaces and bracelets in mind, and the beads all strung on the silk, so I might bring some of those projects as well as the sweater and socks.  Because variety is the spice of life!  I also will bring over the secret fiber project to show off to the ladies there.  Can’t wait until I can show you all.  🙂

Sunday, A and I are planning a breakfast at the beach, but if it is really a rainy day, we likely will postpone that a week.  She came up with the idea to get breakfast sandwiches, and take them down to the ocean to enjoy a quiet peaceful morning at the beach before summer ends.  We haven’t been to the beach at all this summer!  I am not bugging her to go every day because I can swim in my pool.  And it hasn’t been hot enough for her to want to go, because it can’t get hot enough for that, she hates swimming so much. SHE DOESN’T EVEN OWN A BATHING SUIT.  How did we ever wind up together?  🙂

Exciting things are happening on her job front, so suddenly she is motivated to do things around the house and it is starting to show, projects are getting finished.  I hold out hope for the bookcases still.  🙂 Her energy levels are way up now. I knew she was tired, but not how it was affecting her energy and outlook about everything.  So who knows what else we will do on Sunday?  It could be anything.  🙂

What are you doing this weekend?


22 thoughts on “Another weekend!”

  1. The leaves are dropping here but they are green and dry:( We did get a wee bit of rain today but not enough to make a difference.
    Sounds like you have a fun weekend planned. I’ve got a little shopping to do at Wilsons (an oversized suburban farm stand) on Saturday and then I hope to do some baking. Sunday I have no plans but should do some work in the yard.
    Enjoy your weekend:)

    1. Yes, the leaves are green, and I am blaming the drought. We had light soaking rain all day yesterday and some real rain last night, hallalujah!

      Your weekend sounds fun and productive, wish I was close enough to taste your baking!

  2. I am working, to make up for playing ‘hookie’ last weekend – the first since Feb or March, not sure and not checking, cuz just too sad…LOL – HAVE FUN! and, will try to remember to send you my ‘bierocks’ and ‘breakfast burrito’ recipes, cuz seriously, you can make, freeze and pull out nearly 2 years later for ‘on the road meals’ and they are still ‘good to go’ – lol as long as they aren’t freezer burned…LOL

    1. “good 2 go” in my mind = “microwave OR crockpot Or over campfire Or toaster oven OR solar homemade out of #10 vegetable can, solar cooker OR over sterno cook thingee – – LOL – Flexibility and adaptability are the recipes I love…LOL

    2. Sorry you have to work! Do you get time off mid-week when you work weekends? I hope so!

      Those sound delicious and clever. I’d love the recipes!

  3. Sounds like you have been really busy.
    How wonderful that you can fix the jumper your mum made so that she can get some more use out of it again.

      1. 🙂 I always find that about mending projects I put off for ages. They are normally quite quick and easy

  4. Have a great weekend. I am hoping to finish some knitting and sewing,go to a jumble sale, do the usual laundry and ironning and have a nice walk somehwere.

  5. Wow. so much activity there! I look forward to seeing pics of your FOs 🙂
    I’ll be probably working, have an ongoing work project that is interesting but also time consuming, so have been doing long hours and will have to go to the office this weekend too. In fact, I was due for holidays sometime this week, but sadly I may have to cancel (my other half won’t be pleased to hear)…

    1. I hope to get photos tomorrow. No time today. 😢

      I am sorry to hear your plans may get cancelled, that is never fun no matter how interesting the project! Hopefully you get enough done this weekend that it doesn’t happen!

  6. As always, you pack a lot of living into your weekends! The best part, to me, is the idea of breakfast at the beach–you’re talking ocean, right?

    1. We had quite a bit of rain Friday night and Saturday, but I went out Saturday morning to plant some wildflower seeds, and the ground was bone dry about two inches down. We may never get caught up on water…

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