Per request: cats in rafters

Turns out that when Allie is running about up there, she is tough to photograph!  And Zumba thinks it is all just too much work, she will sit on her new perch and stare down the oblivious chipmunks, thank you very much.

But here are some shots of them enjoying their expanded new platforms. A bit grainy as it was still dark and I used the phone with flash, but I think you get the idea.  🙂

Don’t you think the perches would look pretty with plants and candles on them? Me, too, but that’s not an option in this house!


Camera shy Zumba, and A’s arm.  🙂

Allie loves climbing her post and running about up there, but not if anyone is actually looking.  🙂

27 thoughts on “Per request: cats in rafters”

  1. Wow! That’s a kitty dream. If your cats are like mine, any candles or plants would be on the floor within an hour.

    1. lol well, yes, if I put things up there, they would definitely go knock them down. But when they get too old to hop and climb, that is what will happen with the perches. 🙂

      Our house definitely caters to our housebound cats. We have another post that they can use to go upstairs in the living room, and Allie uses it every night. Zumba prefers the stairs, but when she was smaller, she also liked to race up the post.

    1. They do love their porch! Especially in the spring when they haven’t been out there much for a few months, they race about and have loads of fun. Right now it is old hat, so they like to sit and watch the world go by.

    1. Yes, not my idea, but they do love it. Last year they just had one side and the pole. Now they have three walls! The only thing better would be if the door was open, lol

  2. I saw someone who had done this with drawers arranged on a wall like shelves. Cosy blankets inside or toys, staggered so the cats could jump from one to the next.

  3. This is so much better than what my mother-in-law’s cats have. They romp around on the rooftops of everyone’s houses and sometimes steal food from the neighbors. It’s fun to see them enjoying the outdoors safely, though. But, sometimes I get nervous when I see one about to pounce on me from the roof when I’m sitting outside on the patio. If they pounce, they are purring, so there’s that. LOL

      1. When I had cats they didn’t go outside, either, and my mother-in-law wouldn’t allow it if she lived in America where the roads, whether rural or urban, are full of cars. In a small town in Spain the roads are very quiet. Her cats don’t even venture out onto the road, anyway, because they have so much to do on the rooftops and in other people’s patios. LOL

          1. Yeah, that’s another reason why I didn’t let my cats out back home. Here in Castile and León, Spain, there are wolves and lynxes, but they are both endangered species, so in the country people don’t worry much about their animals going outside. As a matter of fact, country people can be so confident about letting their pets out (and rightfully so, there is no danger in doing it) that they find it weird that city people can have cats and dogs. They wonder if the animal can survive in an apartment or if apartment living can make them die early.

          2. Lol might not make them die early, but certainly they can get bored! I wish it was safer for the cats to go out, they would have a good time hunting birds and squirrels. But they can’t so we cater to them and try to make sure they get exercise.

          3. The American way! Nothing wrong with how you do it. It’s fun, though, to compare how people love cats around the world.

          4. Yes it is! These are the first cats we have ever kept completely indoors. Previous cats went out in the day time, but one got eaten, and that was so awful we said never again.

  4. Lovely, and I bet they have great views from up there. When I had my 2 kitties, they were indoor kitties as well. The younger of the two was so used to living inside and being on the patio, ( a totally open patio, with birds visiting) she never bothered to go on the lawn and I think she really disliked the lawn pretty much. Her favourite was to sit right inside the open window and look outside and smell the air, but not once in her life did she venture out the window. 🙂
    Now the dog enjoys the garden, but mostly on a leash, just to be of the safe side.
    I can totally understand why your kitties love this place. 🙂

    1. What a well trained kitty! I think these guys would love to leave the house. When they are out on the bedroom deck we will sometimes catch them up on the rail, and once, a few years ago, Zumba escaped. We never were sure if she jumped or over shot the railing by mistake. Since then we keep a close eye on them out there. It’s a second story deck, but there are birds!!! And squirrels!!! They get very tempted.

      1. I would be keeping a close eye too, I dont feel comfy with my little ones being to far away. To many temptations. 🙂 I love the places you have for yours, and they seem very happy with it too.

        1. Mine would, but luckily we don’t have many of those in the house, and this time of year we are still going to bed before dark, so no lights to draw them in.

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