saturday in my life

My brackets are doing pretty well. Maybe not fantastic like win a trip to the final 4, but good enough to stay ahead of A in our big home challenge. Glad UConn pulled off the win against Maryland, but gosh, I hope all the injuries heal fast and well. They looked a little beat up. And what were the refs thinking int eh first half? Really? Are they blind?

Yeah, I get excited when “my” girls play. 🙂

But not too excited to knit – I am almost done with the first ultra long leg warmer, and will cast the second on tonight, I think. I hope C likes them – they are going to be quite warm – too warm for summer 🙂 but good for next year.

Yesterday I did get to the Craft Barn in Ellsworth after taxes, and was able to pick out some soft acrylic yarn for a baby blanket. It has been a while since I worked with that kind of yarn, not sure how I will like it, but I know it is practical for a new baby to have really washable things. I’ll work on that over the next few months, A’s co-worker will is due in July, and I will be crocheting – much faster to get done! I hope to also knit a pair of little booties using a;s mother’s favorite pattern. She was well-known for knitting the booties, and we try to give all new babies we know a pair of them.

Today between games I got into the craft room and worked on what were the Easter cards, but due to a lack of time on my part, are now the “welcome spring” cards. Sigh. Just not enough time in the week to get everything done.

Strange thing happened to me this morning. We had a slow morning, and after breakfast, I went out to the PO and to get a haircut. I get my haircut at the barbershop – can’t beat 8 bucks, and a haircut is a haircut, after all. Actually, the barber, Michelle does a good job. Anyway, I got there and there were probably 4 guys waiting, and a little kid in the chair. I sat doing sudokus on my phone (the only downside to the barber shop is her magazine selection stinks) a couple more guys came in while I was waiting my turn, and the dad of the little kid got his hair cut. The little boy decided I was safe, so he chatted with me while he waited for his dad. Then they left, and I waited through a few more haircuts. Finally it was my turn. I stood up, and so did the guy who had come in after me. He walked up to the chair and sat down while I was taking off my sweatshirt. I was surprised, but figured I could wait ten more minutes. The barber looked at him and said “I don’t think you are next.” He said he was, and she said “I don’t think so. She’s next.” The guy looked at me in total amazement and said “Sorry, I didn’t know you were getting your hair cut.”

Really? Why did he think I was sitting there? Believe me, a barber shop is not such a wonderful place that people go there to just hang on Saturday morning. I honestly think that he somehow figured I was there with the kid, but as the kid was gone, I am not sure why he thought I was still there. But clearly, he did not think that a woman should get a haircut at a barber shop. I would not have been surprised if this guy was old, but if he was 35 I would be astounded.

So it got me wondering when this world will ever get over having such strong stereotypes? Stop making judgements about things based on them? Please don’t say never.

2 thoughts on “saturday in my life”

  1. Either I am blind or I can never see a date on your blogs. Is this today, the 30th? I have worked in my shop most of the day. I made a fountain pen and a rollerball pen. I really like your scarves. You do excellent work and so does A. Oops, I just looked above my response and there is the date. I am so glad that I am not blind.

    1. thanks very much – glad you like our work! As for the date, I don’t know, I never looked for it. But I did write that today, the 30th.

      Sounds like you are really getting quick at those pens! they are lovely.

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