Accepting an award


Thanks so much, cedwards83 at purlsjustwannahavefun for nominating me for a liebster award. I am honored that you chose me and my funny little blog.
Here are the rules:

*Thank the person who has nominated you and link back to their blog (by posting a link on yours).

*Copy and display the award in your blog post (save the pink image above and upload it to your own post).

*Answer the 11 questions about yourself, which are given to you by the person who nominated you.

*Write 11 random facts about yourself.

*Nominate 5 – 11 blogs/bloggers that you feel deserve the award. They need to have less than 1000 followers.

*Think of 11 new questions for the bloggers you have nominated and write them in your post.

*Inform the selected bloggers that they have been nominated for the Liebster award and link back to your own post so that they can learn about it (if they don’t already about it) and so that they know what questions to answer.
The 11 questions for me:
1. How many siblings do you have?
3 whole (1 sister, two brothers), 2 step (one of each)
2.What’s your favorite soda?
Can’t drink it anymore, but it used to be Coke. Now my favorite cold beverage is lemonade.
3.Which do you like better cats or dogs?
I love them both, but have cats because we work so much. I would love to have a lab or shepherd puppy when we retire, though.
4.What is your favorite color?
BLUE, all shades
5.What is your favorite food?
Interesting. I love food. Not sure i can name a favorite food, but I can say that my favorite MEAl is rare Roast beef, mashed potatoes, green beans. mmmmm. Mom makes it every year for Christmas, how lucky am I?
6.What chore do you hate?
Vacuuming. As in detest. As in have no rugs so I never have to do it. I would sweep every day if it meant never vacuuming again. Thankfully for me, A is willing to do it if I keep the bathrooms clean. DEAL!
7.Do you prefer indoors or outdoors?
Usually, outdoors, but not in any weather, only on nice days.
8.Which do you like better pool or ocean?
Ocean. But pool is much better than nothing. LOVE water and swimming.
9.What is your favorite time of day?
Early morning
10.If you could have lunch with anyone, living or dead, who would it be?
My grandparents. I have so many questions, so many stories I vaguely remember and I just miss them all.
11.If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be?
Well, I can live anywhere in the world, can’t I? I would live here, in Maine. I might wish I had a bit more money so I could leave for a few weeks this time of year, but I do love it here, really. The one thing I would like to do as far as living somewhere different is that I have always wanted to live on a Maine island for a complete year. It’s on my bucket list, but not sure it will ever happen as my beloved spouse can not imagine anything worse. 🙂

Eleven facts about me.
1 I always wanted to be a history teacher
2 I hate to play sports, but I love watching women’s basketball, and of course, the Olympics
3 I love any kind of craft, wish I could take every class and learn them all
4 I was active in the sailing club in college, and actually won a race once
5 I love glitter and sparkle
6 My Meyers Briggs personality type is INFJ which means…
7 I love rules and structure
8 but I procrastinate
9 I love to play board games
10 I make an effort to consume locally produced food and products as much possible
11 I love to cook, but not every day. 🙂

Eleven questions for my nominees:

1 Which do you prefer – read the book or see the movie?
2 What would you tell your 16-year-old self to make his/her life more meaningful?
3 What is your favorite thing to do on a rainy day?
4 If you could give a million dollars away, who would get it and why?
5 Would you rather live in the city or country?
6 Chocolate, Vanilla or???
7 Your favorite color?
8 Your favorite TV show?
9 What is your favorite outdoor activity?
10 What is your pet peeve?
11 What one thing do you wish you could do better than you do?

My nominees to answer these fabulous questions are:
the colour cottage
The Good, Bad, and Ludicrous
The Knitting Sarah
Matthew Richards Photography
Slipped Stitches (You just have to love the tales of Yarn Rascal)
Love, Lucie

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